Seductive Studs #03

The Seductive Studs Blog Hop is a weekly #bloghop for authors, readers, and bloggers of M/M Romance. Click on the blue froggy button located right below the snippet to hop around to this week’s other #SedStud posts. The posts should each include either: 100-150 word excerpt, review, or post about an M/M Romance in the works or already published.


This week I’m going to give you 188 words (slightly over the preferred range) from a short story I just finished (it’s currently in the hands of beta readers) titled, From This Day Forward. This snippet is told from Henry’s 1st-person POV:

When I awoke, my legs were warmer than the rest of my body due to a sunbeam spreading across the bottom half of the double bed we’d shared. Sam no longer lay beside me, and I heard the soft thunk of a coffee mug landing on the table from the other room.

I closed my eyes again and pulled Sam’s pillow to my chest, breathing in the lingering scent. Last night had been perfect. Relaxed, uninhibited, and wanton, followed by a restful picnic supper by the creek, and the most peaceful night of sleep I’d had in a long, long, time. I rolled out of bed and hurried through my morning necessaries, then walked out to join him.

Sam’s face was tight as he glanced back and forth between his iPad, lying on the table, and his iPhone, which he held in his hands, furiously texting away. Fuck, I was so tired of all the bullshit that came with being a pseudo-celebrity. It seemed as if nothing was our private business anymore. I assumed whatever Sam was dealing with was related to that—it usually was these days.

Don’t forget to click the blue froggy button to hop on to another Seductive Studs post!


From This Day Forward is a short story (approx. 10k words) targeted for JMS Books’ Summer Lovin’ submissions call. It is a direct sequel to ’Til Death Do Us Part, but it will also stand on its own.

What are Sam and Henry up to during the summer after Henry’s rescue? They’d thought adopting Buddy/Aiden was going to be smooth sailing, but will it be?



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Click here for the blurb, excerpt, and all the buy & review links

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