Rainbow Snippets #16

I’ve joined the Rainbow Snippets group on Facebook. From their description: “Rainbow Snippets is a group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers to gather once a week to share six sentences from a work of fiction–a WIP or a finished work or even a 6-sentence book recommendation (no spoilers please!).” Pretty cool, eh? Don’t forget to “Like” my Facebook page and/or my Facebook profile while you’re over there checking out this fantastic group!


From my WiP, currently titled To Love and To Cherish (a spin-off from ’Til Death Do Us Part, giving Nash his own well-deserved HEA).

Nash and his friend Angela are nurses sharing lunch in the hospital cafeteria. Nash has been griping to Angela about the sorry state of his life (he’d been ditched two weeks before his wedding, and has been sleeping on his best friend’s couch for the past few months). This is told from Nash’s 3rd-person POV, and Nash is the first speaker:

“I didn’t say I give up on finding a partner. I’m giving up on finding love. Give me a decent companion and regular sex, and I’ll be a happy camper.”

Angela rolled her eyes. “Men. You deserve each other,” she scoffed.



I haven’t written a full blurb yet, but here’s a short tagline:

Will Nash find love again? Of course he will. Will he go about it in the usual way? Now that’s another story entirely.


13 thoughts on “Rainbow Snippets #16

  1. LOL! I love Angela!

    (We need to introduce Nash to one of the minor characters in Onyx Sun. He’s sworn off love: ““But I’ll be over it by next week.”)

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