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#RainbowSnippets April 8, 2017 – Celebrating ’Til Death Do Us Part Anniversary Month

I’ve joined the Rainbow Snippets group on Facebook. From their description: “Rainbow Snippets is a group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers to gather once a week to share six sentences from a work of fiction–a WIP or a finished work or even a 6-sentence book recommendation (no spoilers please!).” Pretty cool, eh? Don’t forget to “Like” my Facebook page and/or my Facebook profile while you’re over there checking out this fantastic group!

I’m continuing with snippets to celebrate the 1-year anniversary of the release of ’Til Death Do Us PartThis one is told from Henry’s 1st-person POV, taken from a scene where Henry and his fellow castaways have hunkered down as best they could to ride out a tropical storm.

“More projectiles smashed through the remains of our walls. I groaned and winced as something hit me in the upper back. The pain radiated through my torso. I felt Garrett shudder, apparently experiencing the same. I held our small tree with one hand, but had the other wrapped around Buddy’s torso. His body quivered in a manner consistent with a child crying. I felt impotent as I rubbed his chest and abdomen. I wanted desperately to soothe his terror, but nothing was likely to do that until the storm abated.”


Henry and Sam Miller-Greene are living the dream. They love their careers — which afford each of them opportunities to travel to exotic locations — they love their home, Sam’s caring family, and each other. They disagree on the subject of adoption, but are fully committed to each other in marriage … ’Til Death Do Us Part.

The dream is shattered when Henry’s plane crashes, and he’s presumed dead. But four people — Henry, two other men, and a child — survive undetected on a remote, small, and insignificant island. Will Sam and Henry’s love be able to survive as well?

Henry fights to endure in harsh conditions, never knowing when disaster will strike. Sam struggles with his loss, but with help moves on with his life. Will Sam be able to put aside his new love when he reunites with Henry?


As with all my books at JMS Books, LLC, ’Til Death Do Us Part is available for #FREE download with your #KindleUnlimited subscription. Follow this link for more information, additional buy-links, and links to the reviews referenced in the image, below.

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