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#RainbowSnippets August 12, 2107 – To Love and To Cherish – Vows Box Set

I’ve joined the Rainbow Snippets group on Facebook. From their description: “Rainbow Snippets is a group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers to gather once a week to share six sentences from a work of fiction–a WIP or a finished work or even a 6-sentence book recommendation (no spoilers please!).” Pretty cool, eh? Don’t forget to “Like” my Facebook page and/or my Facebook profile while you’re over there checking out this fantastic group!

In honor of the release of the Vows Series Box Set, I’m going with another snippet from To Love and To Cherish (the final story in the set). The box set is up exclusively at Amazon.

This snippet follows immediately after where I left off last week. Overview of the scene: Nash has come home to face his roommates (Harley and Oliver), and he’s scrabbling to find a way to tell them about the arrangement he’s just made with Emmitt (a marriage of convenience). He’s afraid of what their reaction might be so he’s headed that off by redirecting the conversation to their own relationship.

Last week ended with Harley and Oliver sharing a mushy scene after getting engaged.

This is told from Nash’s 3rd-person POV:

Nash stood up again. “Want me to make myself scarce for an hour or so?”

Oliver’s head snapped up. He grinned slyly. “You don’t think we’re that easily sidetracked, do you?”

Fuck. “One can hope.”

“Seriously, what the fuck, Nash,” Harley said. “Did you goad me into getting engaged just to avoid ’fessing up about who you just boned?”

You can access all the bonus scenes and alternate POV scenes for To Love and To Cherish, here:

You can find the blurb, a long excerpt, review and buy-links for the novel, here:



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