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#RainbowSnippets 28-July-2018 – The Choice

I’ve joined the Rainbow Snippets group on Facebook. From their description: “Rainbow Snippets is a group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers to gather once a week to share six sentences from a work of fiction–a WIP or a finished work or even a 6-sentence book recommendation (no spoilers please!).” Pretty cool, eh? Don’t forget to “Like” my Facebook page and/or my Facebook profile while you’re over there checking out this fantastic group!

I’m snipping from The Choice, an unedited Work in Progress. This story continues The Recruit. Apparently that HEA Albert and Neil were sailing into isn’t as secure as they’d thought.

Told from Albert’s 3rd-person POV.

This Week’s Snippet:

The Choice – 28-July-2018

Albert Manlii listened from the stairwell. He stood a level down from the apartment that two senior members of the vampire faction’s security team had been monitoring. By “senior,” he meant older in vampire years—which didn’t correlate with apparent years for any but the most recently turned. Point being, their hearing was far more acute than that of junior vamps, let alone humans.

Not only could vampires who counted their age in millennia or multiple centuries rather than years hear noises from much farther away, but the sounds were sharper…clearer. And vamps could zero in on the particular conversations they wanted to focus on. Walls as unsubstantial as those in typical apartment buildings such as this were no deterrent.

My vampire novella, The Recruit is available at distributors everywhere (Books2Read Universal Buy-Link | Publisher/JMS Books).


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