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#RainbowSnippets – 2018-08-Dec – The Choice

I’ve joined the Rainbow Snippets group on Facebook. From their description: “Rainbow Snippets is a group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers to gather once a week to share six sentences from a work of fiction–a WIP or a finished work or even a 6-sentence book recommendation (no spoilers please!).” Pretty cool, eh? Don’t forget to “Like” my Facebook page and/or my Facebook profile while you’re over there checking out this fantastic group!

This week I’m snipping from The Choice, book 2 in my vampire trilogy, that’ll be out on January 5!


As a freshly turned vampire, Neil had frozen in panic when he’d found himself face-to-face with his ex-boyfriend, Cameron. Neil thought that misstep and its associated danger was all in the past, but Cameron’s current boyfriend, Dennis, is like a dog with a bone, and a keen imagination. When the two men’s curiosity progresses to the point the vampires consider their secrecy to be endangered, choices must be made.

Now that faction leader Albert has a blood-mate, he finds himself second-guessing his decisions. Neil would be crushed knowing his mistake led to human deaths, but Albert shouldn’t factor that into the difficult choices he must make. Will Albert’s indecision put the entire vampire establishment in danger? Or is redemption only a flamethrower away?

Links – Available January 5

Publisher | Kindle (Universal Link) | Books2Read Universal Buy-Link

Goodreads | QueeRomance Ink

This is a scene from Chapter 4. Two people, Dennis and Cameron, have become a risk to the vampire faction, threatening to expose them. They are being presented with a choice. Join them—and have as much to lose by exposure as the existing vamps—or die. In this scene, faction leader Albert is confronting them.

From Albert’s 3rd-person POV:

This week’s snippet:

The Choice – 8-December-2018

Dennis’s face flushed. “Look—”

No,” Albert barked. “You look. I’m sure you especially understand why we can’t trust you under these circumstances to just go on your merry way, so don’t insult us by trying to manipulate me.” Albert stared pointedly at Dennis and put up a hand, thumb and forefinger millimeters apart. “You were this close to not getting the offer. And I am this close to revoking it. This isn’t a case where trust is the default and yours to lose. It’s yours to earn.”

The color drained from Dennis’s face. Maybe he finally got it and understood the seriousness of his situation.

The Choice is a 28,700 word novella, book #2 in The Faction series. While I tried to include enough backstory so readers who start with this book won’t be completely lost, I highly recommend first reading book #1, The Recruit, which sets up my unique vampire world and the drama that wasn’t as resolved as our heroes had thought.


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