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#RainbowSnippets – 2019-May 18 – The Best-Laid Plans

I’ve joined the Rainbow Snippets group on Facebook. From their description: “Rainbow Snippets is a group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers to gather once a week to share six sentences from a work of fiction–a WIP or a finished work or even a 6-sentence book recommendation (no spoilers please!).” Pretty cool, eh? Don’t forget to “Like” my Facebook page and/or my Facebook profile while you’re over there checking out this fantastic group!

This week I’m snipping from The Best-Laid Plans. For context: Princes Marcelo and Efren have begun their long journey to Efren’s kingdom of Zioneven.

The story alternates POVs, but this snippet is from Marcelo’s 3rd-person POV:

The Best-Laid Plans - May 18, 2019

The caravan moved along silently, or rather without unwarranted talking, because a moving procession of horses, carriages, and wagons couldn’t be considered silent. But a wise traveler was an alert traveler even at the best of times, and he knew enough not to distract Efren’s attention, considering their elevated risk. Regrettably, outside of the obvious, Marcelo wasn’t entirely sure what he should be watching or listening for.

The suppression of speech didn’t prevent him from daydreaming, though. And sneaking furtive peeks at Efren, or more specifically, Efren’s muscled thighs, the definition of which was clearly on display through the tautly pulled leather of his riding trousers.

Blurb & Links

A death that wasn’t what it seemed…
A kidnapping that isn’t what it seems…
Time is running out.

The morning after his wedding night, Prince Marcelo thought he’d be embarking on a journey to his own personal fairytale happily ever after with his husband, Efren, the crown prince of Zioneven. But when news arrives indicating his sister’s death wasn’t as accidental as previously thought, that journey becomes fraught with danger.

Enmeshed in political intrigue, death, and a kidnapping that might not be what it seems, will Efren untangle the web of misleading clues in time to save the naïve young man he’s already come to admire, or will Marcelo dig deep to discover a previously untapped inner strength and determination to facilitate his own survival?


Coming June 1 to JMS Books
20% off at JMS through June 7 | Books2Read | Kindle

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Have you missed out on book 1, The Contingency Plan? You can get it as a single novelette, or as part of JMS Books’ 2018 Top Ten Gay Romance anthology:

Blurb/Excerpt/Etc. | Bonus (Alt. POV) Scenes

Novelette: Publisher Kindle (in KU) Books2Read Bookstrand Blio Books-a-Million | Hoopla |Overdrive

Anthology: Publisher Kindle Books2Read BookStrand Books-a-Million | Hoopla Overdrive


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