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Review Roundup – The Best-Laid Plans

The reviews are in, and I couldn’t be happier!

Couldn’t be happier with the reviews, anyway…sales on the other hand appear to be sad despite high praise for the story. If the Amazon rank hit even triple digits in a subcategory, I missed it (and the hope of such a lofty goal is now a distant memory).

But the reviews are something to cheer about! As I write/schedule this post, I’ve seen nothing but 4s and 5s on blogs or on either Goodreads or Amazon, and the 5s outweigh the 4s! So woohoo! 🎉

Here are a few of the highlights that give me the warm fuzzies!:

Writer Jackie Keswick said, “I love the world Addison Albright has built for her story.”

Writer Zakarrie Clarke said, “The Best-Laid Plans is an enthralling adventure that seems far more realistic than many a more mundane tale. Characters who are relatable despite their lofty status, crafted with a depth that far exceeds its length.” ~ and ~ “The Best-Laid Plans is the perfect follow up to The Contingency Plan; a thrill ride of derring-dos and developing love that delivers far more than a fairytale happy ever after. I loved it.”

Ashley at Ilovebooksandstuffblog said, “Heart-warming and suspenseful! I thoroughly enjoyed this sequel.”

ButtonsMom2003 at Xtreme Delusions said, “This short novella sure packed a punch. There is mystery, suspense and two new lovers learning about each other. I was practically biting my nails while I read this; I couldn’t wait to see how it ended.”

Mari at Bayou Book Junkie said, “Frankly, I was pleasantly surprised at how resourceful and clever Marcelo was in this particular story, proving that he was more than a worthy match for Prince Efren, despite his reservations. And I just loved the progression of his relationship with Efren. They were sweet and hot and I couldn’t get enough of them together, but at the same time, I loved seeing Marcelo come into his own when he had to.”

Alisa at Scattered Thoughts and Rogue Words said, “Efren really is sweet with Marcelo and no matter how much he doesn’t really want emotions to get in the way you can quickly see that he is quickly starting to care for Marcelo.  It was great to see Marcelo stand up for himself survive when he was in danger.”

Ruthie at Wicked Reads said, “In an adventure worthy of any of the classic fantasy tales of knights errant are derring-do, this story manages to convey the tension, and the environment using sparse words, but plenty of action to give the sense of the time and the place. Where there is description it is used wisely and Albright’s writing imparts all the emotions with perfect emphasis.” ~ and ~ “Writing a really good short story is a skill possessed by few – I am delighted to say that Addison Albright is one of those few.”

Angela at Wicked Reads said, “Marcelo’s ability to constantly surprise others had me grinning more than once, even when the scene wasn’t particularly pleasant. His determination and resourcefulness were sources of major character growth over such a short period of time.”

Sadonna at Love Bytes Reviews said, “Over this short time, they have begun to build a solid foundation for their marriage with a bright future ahead of them – definitely a HFN ending 😊  A lot happens in these two shorter stories of this series but I thought the pacing and the detail were perfect for a quick enjoyable tale.”

Amazon Reviewer, Christopher said, “I read this book in one sitting and did not find one point where I was bored or wanted to skip pages. There was intrigue and mystery surrounding the two princes as they make their way back to Efren’s kingdom of Zioneven. Seeing Marcelo slowly beginning to spread his wings in this book was great, as was Efren’s supporting him.”

For more information:

The Contingency Plan – Blurb, Excerpt, Purchase/Borrow Links

The Contingency Plan – Bonus Scenes

The Best-Laid Plans – Blurb, Excerpt, Purchase/Borrow Links

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