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RAINBOW SNIPPETS – 2019-Aug-31 – Weekend at Bigfoot’s – #RainbowSnippets

I’ve joined the Rainbow Snippets group on Facebook. From their description: “Rainbow Snippets is a group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers to gather once a week to share six sentences from a work of fiction–a WIP or a finished work or even a 6-sentence book recommendation (no spoilers please!).” Pretty cool, eh? Don’t forget to “Like” my Facebook page and/or my Facebook profile while you’re over there checking out this fantastic group!

This week I’m snipping from Weekend at Bigfoot’s (see blurb, below the snippet), a 28,489-word novella. It’s scheduled for release on Saturday, October 19 at JMS Books both as an individual standalone and as part of a “Legendary Loves Trio” together with stories by Nell Iris and Kassandra Lea.

I think of Weekend at Bigfoot’s as a comedic paranormal romance with a flavor of mystery added. It’s technically paranormal, but doesn’t follow the usual formula of shifter story rules. There’s no fated love (although the MCs do experience a bit of insta-attraction), no MPREG, and no “packs” with alphas/betas/omegas/whatever.

This is the opening scene, so no context needed if you start this thread from the beginning. It’s told from Wilson’s 3rd-person POV. In fact, the whole story is from Wilson’s POV because it would trash the “mystery” otherwise:

The story is unedited at this point, so please squint as needed. Open the spoiler tag(s) for a quick refresher of earlier snippets in this thread.

Weekend at Bigfoot's - 2019-August-10

Maybe Wilson Banks should have picked up on the lifechanging aspect of his new assignment when Jerry first mentioned it to him. Life view changing, anyway.

No, it was ultimately lifechanging. Or both.

He’d never considered things like extra-sensory perception to be true any more than he’d believed in the reality of many of the articles he wrote. This assignment was an annoyance to be ducked in favor of something…anything that wasn’t such typical tabloid fodder.

Weekend at Bigfoot's - 2019-August-17

“Come on, Jerry, I froze my ass off chasing quotes for that Yeti story eight months ago.” Wilson pulled out the pencil he had tucked behind his ear and pointed it at Sensational News’ (Never Fake! We Swear!) features editor. “Can’t you give me something else?”

“You want to interview all the victims of the chimney shitter in Boise?”

Wilson slumped. On the plus side—depending on one’s perspective—at least that story was true. Bigfoot? Not so much. Considering the speculation about the sample one of the recipients of the malodorous deposits had saved (“There’ll be DNA in those droppings!”), he cringed at the thought of chasing down the chimney shitter story.

Weekend at Bigfoot's - 2019-August-24

He let out a long sigh. “How far back in the boonies is this hillbilly that says he trapped Bigfoot?”

“Nah, you’ll still be in civilization. It’s a quaint tourist trap in Northern California. I’ll put you up in a nice little B&B.”

Wilson shifted, pushing back in his chair. One of these days he was going to get into this office when Jerry wasn’t around and check out these damned chairs. It felt like Jerry had shaved down the length of the front legs to deliberately make reporters slither forward on the hard seat. The better to get them to agree to anything and rush them quickly out of there?

Weekend at Bigfoot's - 2019-August-31

“Besides.” Jerry tapped his middle finger on his desk calendar. “There’ve been multiple sightings over the years. We’ve tracked them down; you just have to sweet talk them. Get me some good soundbites and maybe a fuzzy picture or two.”

“A bed and breakfast, eh?” That did sound relaxing. He could deal with another round of interviewing loonies…er…confused people who apparently couldn’t recognize a bear for what it was if it happened to stand, in exchange for a little R&R in a pleasant setting during his down time.

Jerry bounced back and forth against the tilt mechanism in the top-quality leather office chair he had his own rear parked in. A slow grin spread across his face. “In an updated Victorian with all the amenities.”

Blurb & Links

Sensational News’ (Never Fake! We Swear!) reporter Wilson Banks enjoys his job. Of course, he doesn’t believe the majority of what he reports, but he has standards. He can prevaricate with ease while avoiding outright falsehoods. After all, reporting that “so-and-so claimed to see this” is absolutely true.

Then he meets and falls for perky Tallbear, CA resident Oliver Hughes. While pursuing soundbites for a story about Bigfoot, Wilson witnesses something he wasn’t meant to see. In Wilson’s new reality, is there room for love with someone whose dreams are as big as his…er…feet?

Coming to JMS Books on Saturday, October 19, 2019!

Cover and links pending.


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