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#GayRomLit — I can haz swag?

I Can Haz Swag? 1024px-Spielendes_Kätzchen_By Loliloli (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Yes! U can haz all the swag your little heart desires (assuming, of course , that you’re attending the upcoming GayRomLit event in Denver).

I’ve never attended any book conventions before in any capacity (either as a writer or a reader), so I’ve got no idea how my stuff compares in the overall scheme of swagalicious items. I’m not crafty, so none of it is homemade, but I did try to come up with a variety of things that would appeal to me, and hopefully to others.

Not sure what my display setup will look like yet, but here’s a spread for photo purposes. I won’t haul that many bookmarks because I know I’ll never give that many away. I’ll bring more pens than what’s shown because they’re apparently a popular giveaway. I’ll also have quite a few more of the short story booklets (and drawstring “backpack” bags) than what’s shown. The candy will possibly be jumbled together into one container to save space.

These are all items that I’ll have, free for anyone to take:

Here’s a closer look at these items:

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I look forward to meeting all the convention-goers and handing out these goodies! You can find a schedule of where I’ll be, and when, on my GRL info page, here. ♡

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