May 21, 2017 Prompt – Adventures with Harrison and Mason #FlashFic

I came across this list of writing prompts for May, 2017 on the Writer’s Write page and thought I’d give it a whirl. I’m going to try for a series of drabbles (precisely 100-word scenes) that will flow together featuring the characters from my Adventures with Harrison and Mason flash fiction story scenes.


May 21, 2017 — Mud and Milk

(Harrison’s 3rd-person POV)

Harrison’s headache hadn’t entirely dissipated yet when Jaxon trotted into the kitchen. “You’ll never guess what!”

“What?” Harrison asked at the same time Mason said, “It’s not even possible to lick your own elbow?”

So of course Jaxon tried it before refocusing on his original purpose. “No. Guess what’s actually good for rubbing all over your skin.”

“Coconut oil,” Mason replied. Harrison choked back a laugh, remembering another use they’d found for the stuff.

“No!” Jaxon said. “Well, I don’t know. I mean mud and milk. So, I was thinking—”

“Not a chance, kiddo, but nice try,” Mason said.

To be continued tomorrow using ‘booked.’

All the drabbles in this series using the May, 2017 prompts can be found here (note: to read them in order, you’ll need to scroll to the bottom of the category list and read up from there).

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