May 3 2017 Prompt – Adventures with Harrison and Mason #FlashFic

I came across this list of writing prompts for May, 2017 on the Writer’s Write page and thought I’d give it a whirl. I’m going to try for a series of drabbles (precisely 100-word scenes) that will flow together featuring the characters from my Adventures with Harrison and Mason flash fiction story scenes.


May 3, 2017 — It’s Complicated

(Harrison’s 3rd-person POV)

Jaxon rubbed his belly and at least covered his mouth for the burp that followed. “That chicken was great, what’s for dessert?”

Harrison raised an eyebrow without answering.

“Oh,” Jaxon said with an impish grin. “Excuse me.”

Harrison replied, “The rest of that strawberry pie from yesterday.”

“Did you finish up packing?” Mason nodded toward Jaxon. “Remember, we’re leaving early in the morning.”

“Well…” Jaxon squirmed in his chair. “It’s complicated.”

“Oh? How so?”

“Daddy says I have to pack enough clothes for every day even though I won’t be able to fit all my action figures if I do.”

Maybe Jaxon needs a visit from the The Packing Efficiency Engineer:

To be continued tomorrow using ‘achievers.’

All the drabbles in this series using the May, 2017 prompts can be found here (note: to read them in order, you’ll need to scroll to the bottom of the category list and read up from there).

8 thoughts on “May 3 2017 Prompt – Adventures with Harrison and Mason #FlashFic

  1. Lol, so cute. And I can totally relate. Before I had all my books on my e-reader, I packed like 10 books if I was going to be away for a week. It’s called priorities! 😀

    1. Absolutely! Gotta have something to do while lying there on the beach (although that might also be what Jaxon has in mind for those action figures—I haven’t decided where they’re actually going, yet). 😉

      1. Exactly. If they’re going to the beach, they’ll probably be building a sand castle, so he has to have guys that can defend the castle, right? 😀

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