RELEASE BLITZ – Master of Reckless Shadows, Book One by Ginn Hale – #Excerpt #Giveaway


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Master of Reckless Shadows, Book One by Ginn Hale

Spies, monsters, assassins and witches populate this diverse and complex fantasy world, where ancient magic is waking and a young physician may hold the key to a kingdom’s fate.

Series: The Cadeleonian Series (volume #5)
Publisher: Blind Eye Books
Cover Artist: Zaya Feli
Release Date: October 8, 2019
Length: Long Novel / 169,160 words / 671 pages
Pairing / Genre(s) / Keyword(s): M/M Epic Fantasy, Romantic Fantasy, LGBTQ, Queer, High Fantasy

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Book Synopsis

Freshly graduated Master Physician Narsi Lif-Tahm has left his home in Anacleto and journeyed to the imposing royal capitol of Cieloalta intent upon keeping the youthful oath he made to a troubled writer. But in the decade since Narsi gave his pledge, Atreau Vediya, has grown from an anonymous delinquent to a man renowned for penning bawdy operas and engaging in scandalous affairs.

What Narsi―and most of the larger world―cannot know is the secret role Atreau plays as spymaster for the Duke of Rauma.

After the Cadeleonian royal bishop launches an unprovoked attack against the witches in neighboring Labara, Atreau will require every resource he can lay his hands upon to avert a war. A physician is exactly what he needs. But with a relentless assassin hunting the city and ancient magic waking, Atreau fears that his actions could cost more than his own honor. The price of peace could be his friends’ lives.


“You have a feeling about Timoteo’s new physician?” Fedeles cast Atreau a skeptical glance. Then, realizing that the glow of all the surrounding blessings did not illuminate the gloom for his friend, he added, “It isn’t simply the flush of too much wine?”

“Were my warmth inspired by wine, I’d tell you that his naked body is a wanton dream and his eyes are wonders of copper and emeralds. No. He’s striking, but it’s more his character that I found fascinating.”

“His character? Next you’ll be telling me you’ve fallen in love with a girl’s skill at needlework,” Fedeles replied, and he was only half teasing. He reached out to press his palm to Atreau’s brow. “Are you fevered perhaps?”

“You’ll understand when you meet him.” Atreau shrugged off his hand. “He’s exceptionally genial. Though that doesn’t quite describe the quality . . .”

“When words fail you,” Fedeles said, “then I know I’ve had you working too long on my account. You need to rest, I think.”

“Yes. I do. But not as much as I need a physician for . . . her.” Atreau said softly.

Fedeles couldn’t stop the sound of disgust that escaped him.

Just the sight of a physician’s silver signet made Fedeles shudder in horror. When he’d been a student a physician had taken possession of him. For three years the man locked Fedeles’s mind in a prison of gibbering madness while secreting a murderous shadow curse in the very blood and bones of his body. Even after the possession was broken, a vicious remnant of the curse lingered in Fedeles. Every year it seemed to grow and Fedeles’s loathing of physicians grew with it.

Everything about them revolted and terrified him. A whiff of coinflower, the clink of medical instruments, or a glimpse of an exam table could set his body shaking and his heart hammering with panic. And always, his terror roused the shadow within him—ready to lash like a murderous demon. Indiscriminate and fatal.

Meet the Author


Giveaway: Readers, enter to win 1 of 3 complete e-book sets of The Cadeleonian Series, Volumes 1 – 4 (Lord of the White Hell 1 & 2, Champion of the Scarlet Wolf 1 & 2)

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