**FREE** TODAY ONLY ~ A Festive Gathering at Chelsea by Ellie Thomas #Free #GuestPost #Excerpt

Thanks, lovely Addison, for having me as your guest again! I’m Ellie, I write MM Historical Romance novellas, and this is my release day blitz for A Festive Gathering at Chelsea, the seventh story in my Twelve Letters series of Regency romp novellas with an ensemble cast.

This 12k-word novella is a free download today only, Tuesday, December 19th at JMS Books as part of their fantastic Advent Calendar event with a free newly released book each day from December 1st -24th.

Get your free copy here!


Like every author, I’m involved with all my story characters. But some scenarios linger longer in my mind than others and that certainly is the case for my Twelve Letters boys who seem to have taken permanent residence. They are an ensemble of found family, and each couple has found true love in the six previous novellas, so they should have equal billing.

However, there’s always one character who has to elbow their way to stand out from the crowd, and in my Twelve Letters series, that’s Percy Havilland, Regency himbo and reformed spoilt brat!

By A Festive Gathering at Chelsea, Percy’s come an awful long way since the events nearly four years before in Twelve Letters. From an utterly selfish, mercenary pink of the ton, exploiting his beauty to gain favours from his many passing lovers, Percy has been through turbulent times due to a family scandal. As a result, he has matured, reassessed his values, developed real friendships and found lasting love with sensible older man, Nathan.

So what better way to celebrate the season than with a festive gathering? This takes place at Percy’s rambling house in the hamlet of Little Chelsea on the outskirts of London before most people retire to the countryside for Christmas. Of course, Percy does have standards, and even if the majority of his guests are invited from affection rather than social duty, every detail has to be just right, including Percy’s outfit, of course. We do have to look our best!

As well as catching up with my ensemble, and seeing how my couples are progressing, this short story encapsulates Percy’s innate contradictions. His vanity and the importance of superficial appearances are on full display together with his kind heart. He invites the people he loves, regardless of their social status, fusses protectively over his beloved sisters, and Nathan is first and foremost in his priorities. After all, it is Christmas!

A Festive Gathering at Chelsea
by Ellie Thomas

Historical gay romance

Thereafter, it’ll be sold at its regular $2.99 retail price at JMS Books and at most ebook distributors (but you’ll find other free books at the link each day through December 24)


Sequel to May Wedding

In early December of 1817, shortly before the ton retires to the countryside for the winter, Percy Havilland decides to hold an informal Yuletide afternoon party for his companions and family.

Within the unconventional social array of guests are Percy’s closest friends, the four couples consisting of gentlemen and working men who meet for supper each Thursday evening at The Golden Lion tavern. 

Percy’s aims are supported by his long-suffering and ever-reliable lover, Nathan. Meanwhile, gentleman Jo Everett relishes that he can proudly attend a social occasion with his life partner, the tailor Daniel Walters. And musician Luc has a private plan for Christmas to reveal to his actor sweetheart, Harry.

But amongst these happy couples, all is not well between Captain Ben Harding and Edward Stephens. Can Ben’s best friend Jo intervene on Edward’s behalf? Or might Ben have already reached a decision, leaving Edward heartbroken?


Jo found Edward and his friends in the hallway with several other groupings, engaged in a long-winded and unhurried leave-taking. 

“Are you going so soon? Daniel and I planned to take the next conveyance, so unless you’re in a rush, you can come with us. That way we can dismount at Piccadilly together.”

Edward’s usually unguarded expression grew wary. 

“Thank you, but there’s no need. I’m staying with Davies on Holborn Hill. It’s very convenient for the hospital.”

At that information, Jo’s vague disquiet sharpened to genuine alarm. Despite plenty of opportunity, Ben hadn’t mentioned this new and worrying arrangement. Jo wasn’t the sort of fellow to meddle in other people’s private business. But Ben was his oldest and closest friend. Also, Jo had played a significant role in uniting Ben and Edward in the first place, so he had a vested interest in their connection.

He angled his body away from the other men to give him and Edward some scope for a private conversation.

“Edward, is there anything amiss between you and Ben?”

“I’m not sure.” Edward looked utterly downcast. Nearly four years rolled back, and rather than an up-and-coming doctor, he resembled the wide-eyed medical student who had been hopelessly enamoured with Ben. 

“I’ve barely spoken with him since my return to London. He’s been very withdrawn all autumn. At first, I thought his foot was paining him or he was occupied with his charitable endeavours. Then it occurred to me that he was distancing himself from me. I’ve tried to speak with him to no avail. I’ve concluded that he intends to let our connection dwindle to nothing.”

Jo frowned. That doesn’t sound like Ben.

His friend was undoubtedly hot-tempered and pig-headed but he was steadfast to the core. Once he’d made up his mind about a person, they were a friend for life. Ben conducted his romantic affairs on similarly straightforward terms. Jo remembered Ben’s devastation at the loss of Aubrey, his first love and lieutenant, killed in battle during the Peninsular Campaign, to the extent Jo feared Ben might never rally. 

During his relationship with Edward, Ben had seemed utterly devoted to his second strong attachment. Jo felt a surge of guilt. Have I been too caught up in my joy with Daniel to notice that Ben is unhappy? Surely, in their almost daily conferences about the charity, Ben would have dropped a hint about his feelings. Unless he was deliberately concealing them from Jo.

“Perhaps it’s my fault,” Edward said, ever eager to take the blame, his fine-boned face shadowed with sorrow. “I’m absent from London for weeks on end and when I am here, I’m often distracted by my studies at the hospital. No wonder he’s tiring of me.”

Jo could counter that Ben was long accustomed to Edward’s periods of absence. The elder Doctor Stephens’ insistence on Edward’s involvement in the family practice, effectively separating him from Ben in London, had caused the couple much heartache. 

Yet they had weathered the storm patiently and had been rewarded by Edward’s advancement in medical research at Barts Hospital. This post met with his father’s approval and also enabled Edward to divide his time between Ben’s Piccadilly home and Trowbridge. Ben had gladly accepted this compromise and was proud of his lover’s growing reputation. So what on earth has gone wrong?

Like a gleam of light through darkness, it dawned on Jo that Ben’s withdrawal might be tactical, in true military fashion. 

By his own admission, Edward was stretched thin, professionally and personally. So perhaps Ben had retrenched in an ill-considered bid to lighten Edward’s load. Such misplaced gallantry sounds exactly like Ben, Jo thought grimly. 

“Has he said anything to confirm your suspicions?”

Edward shook his head sadly, tousling his reddish curls. “When I try to approach the subject, he refuses to communicate. From that, I can only assume that he no longer requires me.”

“And are you in accord? Or do you want to remain with Ben?”

“As much as ever,” Edward’s expressive green eyes reflected his conflicted emotions. “My sentiments are entirely unchanged.” He looked crushed. “I know I’m overwhelmed with work, but Ben’s presence is a help rather than a hindrance. Despite the challenges of juggling my research with caring for my patients, I look forward to my time in London because of him.”

“Have you told him this?

“I’ve tried but he doesn’t pay attention. He cuts me off before I can explain.”

“Might it help if I had a word with Ben?”

“Would you?” Edward’s face brightened with a glint of hope.

“Of course, as long as you don’t think I’m intruding.”

“If Ben will take heed of anyone, it’s you.”

Jo grimaced. “I wish I shared your conviction. What’s the worst that can happen? If he tries to shoot me, I can always summon you to patch me up.”

“Thank you, Jo. I simply want to glean what’s in his heart. If he intends to reject me then I must accept that. This uncertainty is wearing me to a shred.”

“Totally understandable.” Jo inwardly cursed his block-headed friend. “Leave it with me.”

About the Author

Ellie Thomas lives by the sea. She comes from a teaching background and goes for long seaside walks where she daydreams about history. She is a voracious reader especially about anything historical. She mainly writes historical gay romance.

Ellie also writes historical erotic romance as L. E. Thomas.

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